Monday, 16 July 2012

Elvas UNESCO World Heritage Site

Many Congratulations to everyone in the member Walled Town of Elvas on succeeding with the difficult, elaborate and worthwhile process of  becoming a World Heritage Site. This is the link to the register for "The Garrison Border Town of Elvas and its Fortifications". The  Walled Towns Friendship Circle (as it then was) was privileged to have its 11th Symposium in the town in 2001.The Mayor and town of Elvas were wonderful hosts and uniquely among  Walled Towns Symposia to date, they published a full set of  proceeding "Conclusiones" in both Portuguese and English.
DMB giving a paper Elvas 2001

It is interesting to look back and see that Ray Bondin from Malta, Secretary General of ICOMOS, gave all participants specific advice about World Heritage applications. Elvas has certainly proved itself to be a 'gem city' which was a concept that I introduced to walled towns at the meeting - my paper is available from this link.

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