Saturday, 29 September 2012

Derry for 2013 EWT Walled Towns Symposium

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EWT President Joe Spiteri with Erika Schuster and Heidimarie Penke, Vice-Mayor of Gmuend hand the flag to Councillor Brenda Hughes and Derdre Harte .of Derry in Northern Ireland, UK City of Culture 2013.
At Gmuend in Austria this month, the city of Derry set the date for (October 23rd 2013) and introduced the 2013 EWT Symposium.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Joe Spiteri, new President at Austrian General Meeting

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Joe Spiteri with Mayors of Radstadt and Gmuend at the final dinner of the Meeting
Congratulations to Jo Spiteri, Vice-Mayor of Valletta (on the left) on your election as the new President of European Walled Towns for Friendship and Co-operation. With the election over, all EWT members and associates look forward to the fresh approach of the Maltese Presidency and Secretariat and to working closely with Jo, his team at Valletta and Victor Sladden, longtime adviser to Valletta from the Maltese Government Service. 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Gmuend in Carinthia - General Meeting

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The General Meeting successfully introduced us to the three walled towns that controlled the alpine passes for the medieval Archbishops of Salzburg Gmuend itself trading on its position at the Southern end of the Tauern Pass, Friesach controlling the more Eastern route and Radstadt, closer to Salzburg controlling the alternatives. Further report to follow.
Gmuend from the old Castle

Friesach fountain

Radstadt walls with breaks in
the pattern showing different ages