Thursday, 31 October 2013


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Many thanks to all at Derry and the Holywell Trust for organising a fine Symposium. First reports are emerging at the EWT website. At the AGM of European Walled Towns held in the City of Derry/Londonderry on 25th October 2013, 

Mrs Anne Scicluna of Chichester was re-elected as an EWT Vice -President for a further three years.
Mr Martin Nooijens of  'sHertogenbosch was elected as the second Vice President for a term of three years. Congratulations to both candidates. 
The delegates visiting the walled town of Carrickfergus

Monday, 21 October 2013

European Walled Towns Berwick-upon-Tweed 16th October 2013

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Berwick-upon-Tweed, bridgehead town - outpost
Meg's Mount

Berwick-Upon-Tweed  History Society and Civic Society held a joint meeting  in the Parish Church Centre, on 'European Walled Towns', at which I presented a paper based on the presentation linked here and the abstract below:

Monday, 7 October 2013

Update to China links page- a Dissertation on York's City walls

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The China links page now includes a link to a Dissertation on York's walls by Nana Zheng. It is big file that takes some time to load.
I quote below an article "THE CITY BEYOND WALLS - interview with Mr David Bruce" which shows how the EWT is perceived by an interviewer from another quarter of the world, Nana Zheng, who has had it published in ARCHNEWS 2012:10 pp Chinese and English.