Saturday, 1 July 2017

What do Coventry, Hull, Kings Lynn and Nottingham have in common?

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They all had medieval walled town centres with extant traces AND now each has HISTORIC ENGLAND  HERITAGE ACTION ZONE funding.  Application for new funding and advice is open with a 9th August deadline. This initiative seems tailor-made for every English Walled Town and Town or City with a once walled centre.
Lewes, Chester, Berwick-upon-Tweed, York, Chichester, Bath, Bristol, City of London, Norwich, Canterbury, Exeter, Ludlow, Worcester, Hereford, Totnes, Carlisle, Ludlow, Durham, Oxford, Hartlepool, Sandwich, Wallingford, Malmesbury, Wareham, Southampton, Portsmouth, Launeston, Rye 
and I'm sure some I may have missed.
St John's Gate BRISTOL