Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Italian Walled Towns and Walled Towns in Italy

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On Tuesday 10th October in Bristol at 7.30pm 
I delivered the illustrated presentation (48 slides) which can be found in .pdf form here. A written version is in preparation from a transcript of the talk and Q&A session:
Not only in Italy can 'Italian Walled Towns' or at least Italian styled fortified towns be found. - see the website of the Bristol Anglo-Italian Circle for rest of their programme
Where on eaarth?

Monday, 18 September 2017

"Pedestrian Priority Shopping Streets"

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UWE, Bristol's successful conference and website launch on celebrated past success in removing traffic from town centre streets. Such experience can be of benefit to many walled towns, which in turn can provide experience of successful traffic removal and resultant prosperity in smaller towns and cities than most discussed today.
The website is
Friday  15th 

Incidentally you may like to note that note "Pedestrian Priority Shopping Streets" was an MPhil thesis title at Edinburgh University 1975. These issues continue to inspire controversy and gradual improvement to town centres. Among examples in that thesis were some former fortified towns - almost all were historic towns with clearly defined town centres. How does town centre definition, even walls affect how people vehicles and facilities like shops interact?

Saturday, 1 July 2017

What do Coventry, Hull, Kings Lynn and Nottingham have in common?

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They all had medieval walled town centres with extant traces AND now each has HISTORIC ENGLAND  HERITAGE ACTION ZONE funding.  Application for new funding and advice is open with a 9th August deadline. This initiative seems tailor-made for every English Walled Town and Town or City with a once walled centre.
Lewes, Chester, Berwick-upon-Tweed, York, Chichester, Bath, Bristol, City of London, Norwich, Canterbury, Exeter, Ludlow, Worcester, Hereford, Totnes, Carlisle, Ludlow, Durham, Oxford, Hartlepool, Sandwich, Wallingford, Malmesbury, Wareham, Southampton, Portsmouth, Launeston, Rye 
and I'm sure some I may have missed.
St John's Gate BRISTOL 

Friday, 6 January 2017

Congratulations Chester on 2017 European Access City award - ARCHWAY bears fruit

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Derry meeting Chester
great report BBC about on Chester
The walls feature prominently and Chester's investment in accessibility since 2009 - the follow up to the successful WTFC ARCHWAY project which Chester led. Other partners included Lucca, den Bosch, Valletta, Vittoria (ARABARRI) and University of West of England, Bristol.
Full reports are available here.