Saturday, 1 July 2017

What do Coventry, Hull, Kings Lynn and Nottingham have in common?

They all had medieval walled town centres with extant traces AND now each has HISTORIC ENGLAND  HERITAGE ACTION ZONE funding.  Application for new funding and advice is open with a 9th August deadline. This initiative seems tailor-made for every English Walled Town and Town or City with a once walled centre.
Lewes, Chester, Berwick-upon-Tweed, York, Chichester, Bath, Bristol, City of London, Norwich, Canterbury, Exeter, Ludlow, Worcester, Hereford, Totnes, Carlisle, Ludlow, Durham, Oxford, Hartlepool, Sandwich, Wallingford, Malmesbury, Wareham, Southampton, Portsmouth, Launeston, Rye 
and I'm sure some I may have missed.
St John's Gate BRISTOL 

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