Illustrated .pdf of the 25 Year Timeline is available here .To mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of Walled Towns Friendship Circle, celebrated in Tenby with Founder and Life President Peter Osborne MBE and fellow founder members John Beynon, Bob Storey and Trevor Hallett, this timeline is being updated with an increasing number of photos illustrating the many and varied great walled towns that have hosted the Circle over the years. It includes the full list and locations of the 46 Executive meetings and 24 Symposia that have taken place since 1991.(Comments and any suggestions for further updating are welcome. The "About Us" on the EWT website is less comprehensive than the .pdf version here).
European Walled Towns for friendship and professional co-operation (EWT - then called the Walled Towns Friendship Circle, WTFC) was founded in Tenby (South Wales) in 1989.
It is an International Forum to promote the many mutual interests shared by walled towns in and beyond Europe. EWT is the international association for sustainable development of walled towns, walled cities and fortified historic towns in and beyond Europe. EWT aims to promote the many mutual interests shared by walled towns and wishes to maintain and strengthen the historic walled towns for future generations by applying for European funding and partaking in European projects.
The first objective in the Constitution is “To encourage friendship between the inhabitants of all ages in walled town communities”

1) at Piran in 1998 and hence is called:
The Piran Declaration
Walled Towns are unique inheritances from times long past and should be treasured, maintained and safeguarded from neglect, damage and destruction and passed on into perpetuity as irreplaceable ‘Timestones of History’.

2) At Canterbury in 2008 and hence is called:

2) At Canterbury in 2008 and hence is called:
The Canterbury Accord
Walled Towns in the Friendship Circle are expected to evolve as sanctuaries of Conciliation and Peace
The Constitution with a statement of aims, principle and objectives is published on the EWT website.
The President since September 2012 AGM is Joseph Spiteri ( - Malta); Vice Presidents are Anne Scicluna (Chichester, Great Britain) and Martin Nooijens, 's-Hertogenbosch the Netherlands; Treasurer is Frank Petter (Bergen-op-Zoom, the Netherlands). The President has appointed and the AGM has confirmed Gabriella Agius as Secretary General ( with assistance also from Advisor, Victor Sladden, Communications officer: Matthew Carbonaro
Research on walled towns (see website) is conducted by the academic adviser, David Bruce (, Visiting Research Fellow at UWE,Bristol
Twice yearly the Executive meeting takes place with up to two delegates representing the members from each country. In addition two places on the Executive are reserved for the representative for the Associate organisations members and the Associate individual members. The Academic Adviser is a non-voting co-opted member of the Executive and member of the President's Sub-Committee.
Once a year the Annual General Meeting takes place at the Walled Towns Symposium. These 24 Symposia and associated Executive meetings have been held in walled towns right across Europe as have almost all of the further 22 interspersed Executive meetings.
For WTFC and EWT events and time line 1989-2014 - see appended .pdf file
In 2014 October -25th anniversary of founding of Walled Towns Friendship Circle celebrated in Tenby with Founder and Life President Peter Osborne MBE and fellow founder members John Beynon, Bob Storey and Trevor Hallett.
in 2014 Nov the second meeting of President's Sub Committee ("group of 7") took place in Malta.
2015 June Exec planned for Bergen-op Zoom (N)
2015 October Symposium Exec and AGM planned for Malta
2016 Exec planned for Elvas (P)
DMB Jan 4th 2015 VERSION 3
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