Monday, 5 January 2015

Highly recommended for all walled towns

The Civic Trust and the UK Government Department of Transport have just issued revised guidance for the design of streets where people and traffic mix. It is highly recommended and Street Design for All is available through this link. It is a shame that none of the examples of good practice quoted are from walled towns - Chichester, Chester or York might have been cited but have not sufficiently carried through the 'de-cluttering' of their mixed use streets. 'De-cluttering' means doing without or removing all those signs and anti-pedestrian barriers so loved by 20th Century Highway Engineers.
Examples of bad practice could have been shown from walled towns - this advice can be used to remove them. Good examples can be found across Europe in walled towns. Neither good nor bad will now be named (and shamed or rewarded) in this post but further examples will be found and walled towns are invited to submit thier best practice and acknowledge where they can make improvements.

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