Friday, 16 September 2011

Drosendorf a/d Thaya Draft Town Text (dmb)

A small walled town on the border of Austria and the Czech Republic, Drosendorf
lies on a strongly fortified outcrop on a meander of the Thaya. Its walls and town gates date back to the 12C. and it narrowly escaped destruction in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), has excellently preserved medieval town walls, a very attractive Stadtplatz (market place) and a pleasant castle, within the walls. In 1996, it hosted the 6th Walled Towns Friendship Circle Symposium.

Baedeker 1900-1914: none

only one cannon ball

Photos dmb from 1996 visit

1 comment:

  1. Hallo David
    Liebe Grüße aus Drosendorf
    Wir feiern gerade das 20 Jahr Jubiläum der Niederösterreichischen Stadtmauerstädte.

    Die homepage von Drosendorf ist nun

    Alles Gute Franz Krestan
